Homebuyer Roof Survey Report

With many mortgage lenders insisting that potential borrowers instruct a Registered roofing contractor to inspect roof elevations, Ashton roofing offer an unbiased independent Roofing Survey & Inspection service on any property prior to purchase to ensure potential buyers have an honest understanding on the condition of the roof covering. The findings of the report will be fully detailed identifying all key areas of the roof elevation including 

  • Roof covering
  • Under felting
  • Chimney / leadwork
  • Ridge tile system
  • Fascia, soffit & Guttering
  • Insulation
  • Structual roof timbers
  • Flat roof condition

The completed Survey / report will then be presented both in paper form and electronically together with photographs which can then be submitted to the Mortgage Company or Lender and also ensures home buyers get the added peace of mind that they won’t have unexpected roof repair bills.

  • Keys can be collected from Local Estate agents with the homeowners permission